Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Morning Comes!

File:Cole Thomas Mountain Sunrise Catskill 1826.jpg

Till the joy comes in the morning, I'll be waiting.
Till my pain's replaced by power, I'll be glad.
I will sing and shout "Hosanna" to the shadows,
And the valley will re-echo with my praise.

As I walk the lonely mountain, I'll be singing,
And no rain, however cold, can freeze my joy.
Though the shadows may be deep, the ground is solid,
And the way is paved by those who've gone before.

Redeemed am I! No sin can overcome me!
The battle is already fought and won.
Nothing high or low, in earth or hell can have me.
Though my tears may last the night, the morning comes!

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Pashmina Shawl

Unless I die I cannot live
Pushing through life like tall grass
Wresting the hands that pull me back
Falling, sometimes staying down
Until lifted by the Commander
I weep into his shoulder
Rasping again that I cannot,
He reiterates, "you can."

Feebly loving my lover
Whose death, ten times the agony
Was given ten times more eagerly
Than my little deaths
Sprouting out of narrow lives
I cannot keep
But cling to still, a fool
Knowing her foolishness
Yet wringing weak drops of joy
From joyless rags
When my lover waits
With a pashmina shawl
Woven in love
Dipped in mhyrr
And I, preoccupied with my rag, reject
The fragrant gift, and struggle on.

But when I weary of my wringing,
My hands, exhausted, bruised and aching
Drop beside me, my eyes raising
To the risen dier with his gift
Woven of words and grace and promise
He wraps it round my shoulders
Warming, reassuring
And lulling me to peace.